Thursday, January 10, 2008

Quaternion Tests | Desaxismundi

MoreQuaternions from desaxismundi on Vimeo.
[ English ]
So I been following the Works from French media artist Desaxismundi for a few months now, and he has some very interesting projects that combine audio and video of his own creation. This particular one posted above was done using something called QuaternionJuliaSet and while I have never used this myself, I have to say the results are great. It looks like some sort of gummy plastic entity floating around in the dark is constantly mutating, very organic.

[ Castellano ]
Desde hace unos meses he estado observando los trabajos de el artista medial Desaxismundi y tiene muchos proyectos interesantes, este en particular posteado mas arriba fue hecho con algo llamado QuaternionJuliaSet ya que no puedo decie que lo he usado personalmente, creo que los resultados obtenidos son mas que interesantes, pareciera como si una entidad elastica flotando en la oscuridad continua mutando en diferentes formas.


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