Olive | Open Space:NYC
[ English ]
This video is the un-edited capture of a real time system designed for the Open Source /Movement Research Festival on December 2005. The open space/lab was established for " walk in" visitors as testers for the development of the interactive performance system. All the outputs were captured creating an accumulation of improvisational digital sound and image material of mediated and constructed actions. The audience is invited to generate sound and to move using a wearable, wireless interface connected to a laptop that processes (loops, mixes and filters) , captures, exports and uploads images and sounds based on his/her performance.
Via: Unstable Landscape
[ Castellano ]
Video sin edicion, capturado en vivo desde un sistema interactivo disenado para el Open Source /Movement Research Festival en Diciembre del 2005. La muestra invitaba a los visitantes a participar con el sistema interactivo, generando sonido y movimientos, utilizando una interfase "vestible" que conectada en forma inalambrica a una laptop, permite el procesamiento de capturas visuales y auditivas relacionadas con los movimientos del invidividuo.
Via: Unstable Landscape
Labels: Festivals

That's the work of Marlon Barrios Solano. You can see more on his blog
That's great Dan!
Thanks for sharing.
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