Respond-r | PlayOptix
[ English ]
Respond-r is a reactive video system with a commercial take for branding or advertising, some of the samples are pretty creative, the custom tabletop / bar surface is probably my favorite. More info at the PlayOptix website.
[ Castellano ]
Respond-r es un sistema de video interactivo dirigido a comunicar mensajes comerciales como pueden ser branding o publicidad, algunas de sus mustras son bastante creativas, mi favorita es la barra del boliche / club.
Mas info en el website de PlayOptix

wow, that's cool technology!!! Do you know who's the inventor? Excellent..
Howdy, I'm the inventor of it. My other company is OVT Visuals, Inc.
Any questions about it? I'd be happy to answer them. The Respond-r system will be installed at the Superbowl and many many locations this year, so keep an eye out for it.
Brian Dressel
PlayOptix/M1 Interactive, Inc.
What an honor, maybe you could explain a bit on how it works, I'm pretty sure I've seen this thing working in many places and I thought it was a great idea.
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