Friday, June 20, 2008

The Cloud | MIT Mobile Experience Lab

[ English ]
Developed by MIT Mobile Experience Lab, The Cloud is an organic sculptural landmark (located in Florence, Italy) that responds to human interaction and expresses context awareness using hundreds of sensors and over 15,000 individually addressable optical fibers. Constructed of carbon glass, spanning over four meters, and containing more than 65 kilometers of fiber optics, the Cloud encourages visitors to touch and interact with information in new ways, manifesting emotions and behavior through sound and a dichotomy of luminescence and darkness.

[ Castellano ]
Producida por el MIT Mobile Experience Lab, The Cloud es un escultura organica (ubicada en Florencia, Italia) que responde a la interaccion humana a traves de cientos de sensores y mas de 15.000 fibras opticas que operan individualmente. Construido de vidrio de carbono, con un largo de 4 metros, The Cloud (La Nube) invita a su audiencia a tocar e interactuar con informacion de una manera nueva, manifestando emociones y comportamientos a traves de iluminacion, sonido y oscuridad.

Via: Core77

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