LJ Kruzer | Bradshaw
[ English ]
What a beautiful "morning track" this is exactly the kind of music I like to hear when I wake up, the audio track is called
Tam, by LJ Kruzer and what you can't stop watching above was composed by Sheffield based Jamie Bradshaw.
A fantastic audio-responsive piece that truly connects with the overall feel of the track, hypnotic, immersive, minimalist.
[ Castellano ]
Este es el tipo de musica que me gusta escuchar en la manana, cuando me levanto. La pista de audio se llama Tam, de LJ Kruzer y el video que no podes parar de mirar es de el artista de motion graphics Jamie Bradshaw, de Sheffield, UK.
Buenisimo trabajo audio-reactivo (existe ese termino?) que realmente conecta con la atmosfera del track. hipnotico, inmersivo y minimalista.
Labels: England, Music Video

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