D & AD Lectures - Matt Pyke
[ English ]
It's no secret that I (like most people out there) am nearly obsessed with Universal Everything and their work.
I believe right now, they are producing some of the most amazing projects out there, constantly exploring and experimenting and giving the term "new media" a whole new meaning.
The videos above were recorded at the D & AD lecture series and feature Universal Everything's founder and Creative Director Matt Pyke.
[ Castellano ]
No es secreto que (como muchos) estoy casi obsesionado con el trabajo de Universal Everything. Creo que en este momento esta produciendo increibles trabajos que constantemente exploran y experimentan con nuevas tecnicas y medios, dandole al termino "New Media" un significado diferente. Los videos de mas arriba fueron grabados durante una serie de lecturas en D & AD que introducen al fundador y director creativo de UE, Matt Pyke. Lamentablemente estan en ingles y no tienen subtitulos por el momento.
[ English ]
It's no secret that I (like most people out there) am nearly obsessed with Universal Everything and their work.
I believe right now, they are producing some of the most amazing projects out there, constantly exploring and experimenting and giving the term "new media" a whole new meaning.
The videos above were recorded at the D & AD lecture series and feature Universal Everything's founder and Creative Director Matt Pyke.
[ Castellano ]
No es secreto que (como muchos) estoy casi obsesionado con el trabajo de Universal Everything. Creo que en este momento esta produciendo increibles trabajos que constantemente exploran y experimentan con nuevas tecnicas y medios, dandole al termino "New Media" un significado diferente. Los videos de mas arriba fueron grabados durante una serie de lecturas en D & AD que introducen al fundador y director creativo de UE, Matt Pyke. Lamentablemente estan en ingles y no tienen subtitulos por el momento.
Labels: England, Universal Everything

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