Monday, July 09, 2007

Spent2000 | Tim Nolan

[ English ]
I been wanting to post this site for a while, a great collection of audio visual bits, sampled from films, television or reality. Tim Nolan, the brains behind the operation, describes it as "... a platform for browser entertainment, an idea I have been playing since that summer (of 1997)..." So get a good pair of headphones on, and start browsing around, let your mind get lost in the AV loops of Spent2000.

[ Castellano ]
Hacia rato que queria postear este site, gran coleccion de bits audiovisuales, sampleados de films, television o incluso de la realidad. Tim Nolan, el cerebro detras de la operacion, lo describe como "... una plataforma para entretenimiento en navegadores, una idea con la que estube jugando desde aquel verano de 1997..." Asi que ponete unos buenos auriculares y pegale una mirada a la colleccion de loops AV de Spent2000.

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