Monday, July 14, 2008

SCMX Interactive Mural | Vanderlin

[ English ]
Todd Vanderlin has some really nice works on his blog. This one above for example, an interactive mural for the SCMX in Atlanta.

"As people stand in front of the displays they were able to interactive with drifting bubbles filled with other small bubbles. You were able to pop the bubbles and have the inside bubbles pour over your contour. As you would move around dust would float off of you and every so often a ribbon would fly away based on your movement."

[ Castellano ]
Todd Vanderlin tiene unos trabajos mas que interesantes en su blog. Este por ejemplo, un mural interactivo para el festival SCMX en Atlanta.

"Mientras la gente se paraba en frente del mural, podian interactuar con las burbujas que contenian otras burbujas mas pequenas. Podias reventar las burbujas y las burbujas de adentro recorrian tu controno. Mientras te movias el polvo comenzaba a flotar desde ti y cada tanto una cinta volaria basado en tus movimientos"

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Saturday, July 12, 2008

Made with Open Frame

[ English ]
openFrameworks is a C++ library for creative coding.
Inspired by the following question: Can artists make tools, at the same time that they create artwork?

[ Castellano ]
openFrameworks es una libreria de C++ para programacion creativa, inspirada por la siguiente pregunta: Pueden los artistas crear una herramienta al mismo tiempo que crean arte?

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Monday, July 07, 2008

Brokenbeat July 2008 | Recap

[ English ]
Here are some photos of last saturday's Brokenbeat night.
This was the first time we had 3 Vjs in the same night, unfortunately we couldn't jam all 3 at the same time, but we'll do it soon I'm sure. Creator of NeuroMixer, Vj Faderwas kind enough to join us from LA. I got the chance to see how neuromixer works, and I have to say, it's really user friendly, if you get a chance, try it out. He even has a free version that it's great for beginners.

Also performing was Ciber Patrol Unit also from Los Angeles, but he performed as part of Turbo Scum, a trio conformed by CPU on the visuals and D.C. Dj duo Party On Marz. I was blown away, by the act.
Turbo Scum uses 3 laptops, a Micro Korg controller and 2 Lemur/ Jazz Mutant controllers.
Peep the video above.

[ Castellano ]
Aca algunas fotos de lo que fue el ultimo Brokenbeat. Esta fue la primera vez que hubo 3 Vjs en una noche, lamentablemente no pudimos hacer un trio jam simultaneamente, pero lo dejaremos para la proxima. El creador de NeuroMixer, Vj Fader vino desde L.A. y tube la chance de ver como Neuromixer trabaja, debo mencionar que es muy amigable a primera vista, y como fader tiene una version gratuita en su pagina, lo hace ideal para aquel que quiera empezar a hacer visuales.

Tambien participando estuvo Ciber Patrol Unit tambien de Los Angeles, pero como parte de Turbo Scum, un trio conformado por el DJ duo de D.C. Party On Marz muy pero muy buena la presentacion, Turbo Scum usa 3 laptops, un controlador Micro Korg y 2 controladores multi touchLemur/ Jazz Mutant. un fragmento en video arriba.

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

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