Thursday, October 16, 2008

LFC | Moving Brands

[ English ]
Fantastic work by the England based studio Moving Brands
for the London College of Fashion.
It's important to say that all these animations were VJ'd LIVE. I think the final work speaks for it self, simple, clean, minimal, great taste and synchronization. Below you can see the process behind the conceptual stages that preceded the fashion show.

[ Castellano ]
Fantastico el trabajo del estudio Ingles, Moving Brands para el
London College of Fashion.
Es importante destacar que el evento fue visualizado en VIVO por un VJ, y el trabajo final habla por si mismo, simple, limpio, minimal, buen gusto y sincronizacion. Mas abajo puedes ver el proceso detras de la etapa conceptual que predecio al desfile.

Via: VJ.TV

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Body Navigation | Kristensen

[ English ]
Interesting work by Copenhagen based artist Ole Kristensen, consisting on a reactive floor projection for a dance performance group, the piece was performed at the Danish Theatre.

To learn more about this piece, visit Ole's website.

[ Castellano ]
Interesante trabajo por parte del artista con sede en Copenhagen, Ole Kristensen, consistiendo en una proyecion reactiva para un grupo de danza. La pieza fue presentada en el Teatro Danes.

Para saber mas sobre la pieza, visita el website. de Ole.

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