Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Projection Van | Uruk

[ English ]
Remember the guys from Uruk Video Machine ?. Well check out their new ride, fully pimped, their van has two 10.000 lumens and power generator 7Kva. Great for commuting, going to the store to get groceries and yes.. the occasional video projection assault.
Antoine and Stan are very reserved about their plans but they will be posting video very soon.

Easyweb | Neoproj

[ Castellano ]
Se acuerdan de Uruk Video Machine ?. Bueno vean su nuevo camion, algunos de los accesorios incluyen espejos retrovisores, dos proyectores de 10.000 lumens y un generador electrico 7Kva. Ideal para hacer las compras, ir de paseo y por que no, ataques visuales urbanos donde sea que se te ocurra. Antoine y Stan son muy reservados con sus planes, pero pronto pondran un video con mas detalles.

Easyweb | Neoproj

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Monday, June 26, 2006

Bass Invaders | Hexstatic

[ English ]
Once again, Stuart Warren Hill and Robin Brunson, AKA Hexstatic, amaze me with their audio - visual work, you might find this interesting if you are into video games.

[ Castellano ]
Una vez mas, Stuart Warren Hill and Robin Brunson, AKA Hexstatic me sorprenden con su trabajo audiovisual, quizas lo aprecies un poco mas, si eres fan de los video juegos.

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Monday, June 19, 2006

Sight & Sounds | Remix Mag

[ English ]
I was reading Vj Kasumi's article on the June issue of Remix Magazine about the increasing popularity of visuals on live acts, and some tips on how to improve our performances by working together with the Dj / music artist, before the gig in order to have a better audio-visual realtion during the show. Although the article is targeted to musicians / djs, I thought it had some strong points, and while I never heard of
Vj Kasumi before, I sure would like to thank him for writing this article!.

"...Any VJ can string together some psychedelic clips to the beat of your music, but it won't be very original or meaningful. To truly collaborate with a VJ, you have to respect the amount of effort it takes for a VJ to prepare and start planning early. ..."

If you can't find the print version of the magazine, you can read the full article here.

[ Castellano ]
Estaba leyendo un articulo escrito por Vj Kasumi en el numero de Junio de la revista Remix Magazine sobre el gran incremento en popularidad de las visuales en los actos en vivo, y algunos tips en como mejorar nuestros shows trabajando de antemano con el Dj / musico en fines de mejorar la relacion audio-visual durante los actos / shows. Este articulo esta mas bien dirigido a los musicos /Djs, y a mi parrecer marca buenos puntos y aunque nunca habia oido de Vj Kasumi, me gustaria agradecerle por escribir este articulo.

"...Qualquier Vj puede superponer clips psicodelicos al ritmo de la musica, pero no sera muy original ni tendra contenido. Para colaborar de verdad con un VJ, se debe respetar la cantidad de esfuerzo que pone un VJ para prepararse y empezar a planear con tiempo.."

Si no puedes conseguir la version impresa, puedes leer el articulo entero aca.

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Monday, June 12, 2006

Post Artic Industries - Vector Lovers

[ English ]
I just discovered this video a few days ago, I am not sure who the director is yet, but the reason I post this here it's because I believe Martin Wheeler AKA Vector Lovers, has been a very important inspiration point on my design work lately.
Chaces are that by now you should know about his music, but if you haven't well.. I think you should give it a listen.

[ Castellano ]
Hace poco encontre este video, aun no estoy seguro de quien lo dirigio, la razon por la que decidi postear un link aca, es por que pienso que Martin Wheeler AKA Vector Lovers ha sido ultimamente, una gran influencia para mi, a la hora de trabajar en mis proyectos de diseno, seguramente ya habras escuchado algo de su trabajo, pero si aun no lo conoces, pienso que deberias de pegarle una oida.


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Friday, June 02, 2006

Zipper Orchestra | Joo Youn Paek

[ English ]
Joo Youn Paek is the author of Zipper Orchestra, an interactive video installation: a combination of the "Conductor Musical Score" as a physical controller and the "Zipper Actions Collage Video" as musical display. Users can play music by zipping and unzipping the physical zipper.

[ Castellano ]
Joo Youn Paek es el autor de Zipper Orchestra, una instalacion interactiva A/V una combinacion de "Conductor de Composicion Musical" como controlador fisico y "Un video collage de cremalleras en accion" como muestra musical. El usuario puede participar subiendo y bajando las cremalleras en el controlador.


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