Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Mapping | VJ Festival 09

[ English ]
A nice little report of the last Mapping Festival , every time I see footage from this event I dream of having something like this in San Diego, looks like great fun, the set up is massive and the talent is more than inspiring.

[ Castellano ]
Lindo reporte sobre el ultimo Mapping Festival, cada vez que veo video sobre este evento, sueno con tener algo asi aca en San Diego, se ve increible, el set up es gigante y el talento es mas que inspirador.

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Tuesday, June 23, 2009

NetworkSim | Air Traffic Network Simulation

[ English ]
In the flight control tower of the Lufthansa Brand Academy Frankfurt visitors learn about the local and global connections of international air traffic. A 14 meter wide 180 degrees projection lets the visitors dive into the fully navigable, realtime 3D visualization of 16000 daily Lufthansa and Star Alliance flights.

I think it would be a crime not to enjoy this piece without a good pair of headphones or audio monitors, the sound design is incredible.

[ Castellano ]
En la torre de control del Lufthansa Brand Academy en Frankfurt los visitantes aprenden sobre las conecciones locales y globales del trafico aereo internacional. Una proyeccion de 14 metros de ancho a 180 grados permite al expectador sumerggirse en una visualizacion 3D en tiempo real de los 16000 vuelos diarios que llevan Lufthansa y Star Alliance.

El diseno de sonido es realmente asombroso.

Via: Cpluv


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Sunday, June 21, 2009

Civilization - Brambilla

[ English ]
Civilization, a video mural created for the new Standard Hotel in New York City, depicts a journey from hell to heaven interpreted through modern film language using computer-enhanced found footage.
Directed by Marco Brambillla

[ English ]
Civilization, es un video-mural creado para el nuevo Standard Hotel en Nueva York, Narrando un viaje del infierno al cielo, interpretado por un moderno lenguaje cinematico, usando fragmentos encontrados de differentes videos
Dirijido por Marco Brambillla

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Saturday, June 13, 2009

10 Records | Accent Creative



_new[ English ]
It's not very often I post my own work here, but I think this one might be interesting to other visualists.
A little homage to 10 music artists that inspire me while I'm doing design work, the project shows 10 portraits of music artists and a personal record suggestion for when you want creative inspiration. All portraits are designed in square format, reminiscent of record covers, which I believe to be the strongest link between music and visual arts (maybe the true origins of Vjing?). This still covers including Modul8. in the production process.

See the full set here.

[ English ]
No muy seguido pongo mis trabajos, pero pense que esto podria interesarle a otros visualistas.
Se trata de un pequeno homenaje a 10 artistas que me inspiran mientras trabajo en proyectos de diseno grafico. El proyecto muestra 10 retratos de artistas y una sugerencia personal a un album del artista. Todos los retratos fueron disenados en formato cuadrado, como el de las tapas de los discos, lo cual creo que es la coneccion mas fuerte entre musica y grafica, quizas hasta el verdadero origen del Vjing?
Utilize Modul8 en el proceso de creacion, pueden ver el set completo

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Tuesday, June 09, 2009

LJ Kruzer | Bradshaw

[ English ]
What a beautiful "morning track" this is exactly the kind of music I like to hear when I wake up, the audio track is called
Tam, by LJ Kruzer and what you can't stop watching above was composed by Sheffield based Jamie Bradshaw.

A fantastic audio-responsive piece that truly connects with the overall feel of the track, hypnotic, immersive, minimalist.

[ Castellano ]
Este es el tipo de musica que me gusta escuchar en la manana, cuando me levanto. La pista de audio se llama Tam, de LJ Kruzer y el video que no podes parar de mirar es de el artista de motion graphics Jamie Bradshaw, de Sheffield, UK.
Buenisimo trabajo audio-reactivo (existe ese termino?) que realmente conecta con la atmosfera del track. hipnotico, inmersivo y minimalista.

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