Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Light Attack | Sauter

[ English ]
Very interesting project by interactive installation artist Daniel Sauter.
"Light Attack is a media artwork, as well as social experiment, performed in public urban spaces. While driving through the city, an animated virtual character is projected onto the cityscape, exploring places "to go" and places "not to go", according to the popular Lonely Planet travel guide."
Check the Video

[ Castellano ]
Interesante proyecto del artista Daniel Sauter.
Light Attack (ataque de luz / ataque luminoso) es tanto arte mediatico como experimento social, proyectado en espacios publicos urbanos. Mientras manejan por la ciudad la silueta animada de un personaje virtual es proyectada en diferentes espacios, explorando lugares "para visitar" y para "no visitar" segun una guia turistica popular llamada "Lonely Planet".
Mirar Video

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Monday, April 24, 2006

Visual Scratch | Jesse Kriss

[ English ]
Visual Scratch is a realtime visualization of scratch DJ performance, built using Processing, Max/MSP, Ms. Pinky, and MaxLink.

[ Castellano ]
Visual Scratch es la visualizacion en tiempo real del Scratch de un DJ, construido utilizando Processing, Max/MSP, Ms. Pinky, y MaxLink.

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Monday, April 17, 2006

Disconnect | A. M. Demirel

[ English ]
Ali Mahmut Demirel, directed this video piece for Plastkman's Disconnect.

[ Castellano ]
Video dirigido por Ali Mahmut Demirel, el track de audio se llama Dissconnect y pertenece a Plastkman

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Thursday, April 13, 2006

Dayvan Cowboy | BoC

[ English ]
Dayvan Cowboy is Boards of Canada's first commercially-available video and comes on DVD with pre-orders of their new EP, Trans Canada Highway, due out on the 6th of June.
"The footage in the first half of the video is from real footage of the highest descent ever recorded from the edge of space by Joseph Kittinger in 1960, skydiving from a height of 102,800 feet in a space suit. With complications on the way down, he was convinced he had not survived the jump and hallucinated falling through hell. "

[ Castellano ]
Dayvan Cowboy es el primer video oficial de la agrupacion Boards of Canada. La primera parte del video pertenece a un documental sobre el descenso mas alto capturado en video en 1960 por Joseph Kittinger, arrojandose desde una altura de 31.333 metros en un traje espacial, tras algunas complicaciones en el descenso comenzo a pensar que no habia sobrevivido y alucino que cayo en el infierno.

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Sunday, April 09, 2006

Tomato | UK

[ English ]
English art collective media, Tomato, just released their new website with some very interesting work, some of the highlights for me where the moving works for underworld, and O&A.

[ Castellano ]
La agrupacion artistica Inglesa, Tomato, acaba de estrenar nuevo website con un muy interesante portfolio de trabajos. Algunos destacados para mi fueron los trabajos visuales para la agrupacion Underworld y su cortometraje O&A.

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Wednesday, April 05, 2006

Neon V2 | XPLSV

[ English ]
The Guys at XPLSV don't stop, I just got an email from David Domingo, letting us know that they just did a public public release of their custom VJ application, Neon V2 (beta). His creator, Jordi Ros, also opened a forum, to have bug reports an questions answered by the man himself. Thanks for sharing!.

Some of the features include: MIDI support, Live video capture (beta), Video set recordings and more.
Unfortunately for me, this is a PC version only at the moment. For the rest of us MAC users, you should check this post by Momo the Monster.

[ Castellano ]
Los chicos de XPLSV no paran un segundo!. Acabo de recibir un email de David Domingo, diciendo que acaban de hacer un release publico de su aplicacion VJ, Neon V2 Neon V2 (beta).
Su creador, Jordi Ros ademas abrio un forum para reportar bugs y contestar preguntas. Gracias por compartirlo!

Algunas de losfeatures de la aplicacion incluyen: Soporte MIDI, Captura de video en directo (beta), posibilidad de grabar los sets, y otras mas.

Lamentablemente para mi, este soft es solor para PC users por ahora, Para el resto de los maqueros tal vez deberian de checkar este post reciente de Momo the Monster.

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I love Acid | Delicious 9

[ English ]
I always liked this track, but I just saw the video today for the first time, and loved it.Video by Delicious 9 under the direction of Teemu Auersalo.
Music by Luke Vibert.

[ Castellano ]
Video producido por Delicious 9 bajo la direccion de Teemu Auersalo.
La audio es de Luke Vibert.


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Interactive Plant Growing

[ English ]
Christa Sommerer and Laurent Mignonneau explore the relationship between art, science and technology. For their project The Interactive Plant Growing, they designed interfaces between vegetal and device-related systems, between man and machine, is one of the greatest challenges of interactive technology. Activating the plant triggers an image-generating impulse. More info on their video demo.

[ Castellano ]
Christa Sommerer y Laurent Mignonneau exploran los lazos entre arte, ciencia y tecnologia. Para su proyecto Crecimiento de Plantas Interactivo disenaro interfases entre un dispositivo virtual y un vegetal. La manipulacion de la planta dispara impulsos generativos visuales, simulando un crecimiento de la planta virtual. Para mas informacion ver el siguientevideo.

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C.L.A.V.E | Ruairi Glynn

[ English ]
C.L.A.V.E. stands for Collaborative Live Audio Virtual Environment and it's a live visual application created by Ruari Glynn a student of Architectural Design in London.
"Using OpenGL inside of MaxMSP Jitter I built an application that took color and luminosity values and constructed 3 Dimensional topologies. The use of video provided a rich textured surface and came to life when live video was feed through it. I also added a second video input and was able to cross feed live and prerecorded footage to build collages of terrain."
Check C.L.A.V.E. at work on this video. You may also download the application from his site.

[ Castellano ]
C.L.A.V.E. son las iniciales de Collaborative Live Audio Virtual Environment [ algo asi como, Ambiente Colaborativo Audio Virtual para Directo] y es una aplicacion creada por Ruari Glynn, un estudiante de Diseno Arquitectonico de Londres.
"Usando Open GL dentro de MaxMSP Jitter, he creado una aplicacion que toma valores de color y luminosidad para construir topologias en tres dimensiones. El video proporciona texturas superficiales que toman vida cuando se alimenta video en directo a la aplicacion. Tambien agregue una segunda senal de video para poder hacer mezclas entre el video en directo y crudo pre-grabado para construir collages. Podes mirar como funciona C.L.A.V.E. en este video y ademas lo podes bajar desde su website.

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Sunday, April 02, 2006

April Fools in Dub | Kadan

[ English ]
Here are 2 images from last night at Club Kadan, here in San Diego.
Right click / Save as, to Download Jon Wesley's set from that night Here

[ Castellano ]
Aqui 2 fotos de mig gig anoche en Club Kadan aqui en San Diego.
Click derecho / Guardar como, para bajarte el set de Jon Wesley's grabado esa noche, Aqui

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Saturday, April 01, 2006

XPLSV Crew | Spain

[ English ]
David Domingo, from Plexiq , was kind enough to share with me, a little about what's going on at the moment in Spain regarding crews, collectives inside the A/V scene. Something that came to my attention was, Xplsv. A spanish vj / creative crew. focused on enhanced club visuals (real time generated graphics), vj-sets, dj-sets, music composition, video experimentations all with their own custom application, Neon. Good stuff!

[ Castellano ]
David Domingo de Plexiq me comentaba sobre algunas de las cosas que estan pasando en el scene Espanol, dentro de lo que es la cultura de colectivos audiovisuales. Uno de los que mas me llamo la atencion fue Xplsv un grupo de creativos/vj que se dedican a producir visuales para clubs, pasar y producir musica, ademas utilizan su propia aplicacion Vj, llamada Neon. Muy interesante.


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Remix track | Shikaku

[ English ]
I know some of you out there are also musicians or Djs, so I thought I'd ask for some constructive criticism as I'm working on a new remix track. As usual when I work on a remix, I try not to listen to the original track too much, so I don't get influenced by it on any way. I only used the voice track, and wrote the music from scratch. Any tips on how to improve it would be appreciated.

Listen here (track #1)

[ Castellano ]
Se que muchos de los que leen son tambien musicos o DJs, por lo que se me ocurrio pedir ayuda con un track en el que me encuentro trabajando. Para no ser influenciado en gral trato de no escuchar el track original, cuando me siento a componer, pero si uso elementos del mismo, en este caso la pista de vocales, el resto del track fue escrito desde cero, cualquier consejo en como mejorarlo sera bienvenido.

Escuchar aqui (track #1)

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