Monday, January 29, 2007

D-Fuse | Apple Pro

[ English ]
Looks like London based D-Fuse got a nice profile in the Apple pro site, after reading about their work, I went to look at their new (and very nice) website, wich lots of big photos, very impressive. I posted a link to their demo reel wich shows bits of everything, loved the menu transitions.

[ Castellano ]
Parece que el grupo Londinense D-Fuse tiene un lindo perfil en el sitio de Apple pro, despues de leer sobre su trabajo, visite su nuevo website, muy pero muy bueno, con muchas fotos grandes como debe de ser! ;)
Su demo reel (arriba) muestra un poco de todo, muy buenos trabajos y me encantaron las transiciones del menu.

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Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Event: Broken Beat | 02.03.07

Is that time of the month again!, here is the info for next saturday

[ SATURDAY, FEB 3rd 2007 ]
BrokenBeat Night@ Kadan

Another booty-rawkin performance by Dub Dynamites Kid Natty and dj Jon Baker with vj shikaku addin dopeass visuals

DISRUPTER (SHARE.SD) Live Electronic
Electronic solo project of David Sarrazin, founding member of bands Ting Kong, Tool and Die and Savage Aural Hotbed

Coming with only the freshest cuts, we are happy to have Jon back for another BrokenBeat night


Resident vj
KADAN in North Park, Sand Diego, CA
4696 30th street, (Corner of 30th & Adams Ave.) | 21 + 9PM - 2 AM


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Monday, January 22, 2007

Hour of Prayer | Ahtila

[ English ]
Last Saturday I saw a bit of Eija-Liisa Ahtila's The hour of prayer, at the MCASD, "a short tale about attachment and death that is based on the artist's own life" shown in four simultaneous projections. The material is split into four parts and the story has been edited to unfold on four screens. The intention is to explore the possibilities of disrupting the traditional causal logic, structure, and space for perception in screen narrative.
[ Castellano ]
El sabado pasado pude ver un poco de la instalacion de
Eija-Liisa Ahtila's The hour of prayer, en el MCASD "una corta historia sobre muerte y apego, basada en la vida de la artista." Proyectado en 4 pantallas simultaneas y editado para ser dividido en partes, explorando las posibilidades de estructura espacio y percepcion en la narrativa.

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Sunday, January 21, 2007

High FPS Vs Time Lapse

[ English ]
Not really related to Vjing, but very inspirational, the first one is a compilation of 12 objects shot in high speed, played in slow motion.
The second one is a time lapse of one hundred six balloons in a mass ascension at the Reno Balloon Race in 2006. For more time lapse videos check Mike's page on youtube.

[ Castellano ]
Si bien no esta directamente relacionado con Vjing, es muy inspirador. El primer video es una compilacion de 12 objetos filmados en alta velocidad, pasados en camara lenta.
El segundo es un time lapse de 106 globos aerostaticos ascendiendo en una carrera de globos en Reno en 2006. Para mas videos de este tipo vean la pagina de Mike en youtube.


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Saturday, January 20, 2007

Electroplastique | Watz

[ English ]
Berlin based visual artist, Marius Watz created Electroplastique a generative animation for multi-screen projection. Originally created for Club Transmediale 2006 in Berlin, where it was shown as a total visual environment on 12 screens dominating the club venue. Great use of color, check his website for tons of interesting work.

[ Castellano ]
Marius Watz , artista visual de Berlin creo Electroplastique una animacion generativa para proyectar en un sistema de multiples pantallas. Originalmente creado para el Club Transmediale en 2006, donde fue expuesto como un ambiente visual en 12 pantallas dominando toda la parte visual del club. Muy buen uso de color, mas info sobre este y otros trabajos en su website .

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Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Iragazzidellaprateria | Udine, Italy

[ English ]
Iragazzidellaprateria is an Italian duo that performs live A/V.
But what is interesting is, that the contents of their visuals are generated by recording slices of paper, pictures, and hand drawings. The sounds are made by recording and mixing voice, synthesizers and real songs. The video above is a recording from a their performance the electronic festival inside the Architecture University, Venice. Very cool stuff!

[ Castellano ]
Iragazzidellaprateria es un duo Italian que realiza un collage A/V.
Lo que lo hace interesante es que los contenidos de sus visuales son generados grabando recortes de papel, fotos, y dibujos hechos a mano. Sus sonidos surgen de grabaciones y mezclas de voz, sintes, y canciones reale. El video de arriba es una grabacion de uno de sus actos en el festival electronico de la Universidad de Arquitectura en Venice. Muy bueno.


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Monday, January 08, 2007

Mapping | VJ Festival 07

[ English ]
The Mapping Festival 07 (Geneva, Switzerland) extends their subscription deadline till January 15.
Categories are:
- Vjing / clubbing
- Vjing / performance
- Presentation, Workshop
- Share laboratory

[ Castellano ]
El Mapping Festival 07 (Geneva, Switzerland) extiende su inscripcion hasta el 15 de Enero.
Las categorias incluyen:
- Vjing / clubbing
- Vjing / performance
- Presentation, Workshop
- Share laboratory

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Sunday, January 07, 2007

Brokenbeat Jan 07 | Footage



[ English ]
So finaly my DV camera got fixed and I can now shoot some video again!!
Here is a bit of last night's Brokenbeat, although many people played last night, I was only able to get some footage from the set of
Share SD Co-founder, Morgan (AKA, The Morgster). Enjoy!

[ Castellano ]
Finalmente mi camara DV, ya esta arreglada y funcionando y puedo volver a tomar video,
Aca un fragmento de lo que paso anoche en Brokenbeat, si bien muchos tocaron, solo llegue a grabar un poco del set del Co-creador de Share SD, Morgan. Disfrutenlo!

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Friday, January 05, 2007

I Promise 2 Be You | Farr-Black

[ English ]
Geoff Farr just launched I Promise 2 Be You "An episodic mix of electronic music and visual art featuring the best in music videos and Independent experimental shorts crafted by avant garde neo noir film artisans from around the globe." Each episode is aprox 30min long with great audio-visual work. If you are looking to submit original audio visual work, just click submit on the website to find out how you can send your material.

[ Castellano ]
Geoff Farr acaba de lanzar I Promise 2 Be You. "Una serie de episodios de musica electronica y artes visuales presentado por diferentes artistas experimentales e independiente" Cada episodio es de aproximadamente 30 min de duracion y contiene muy buen trabajo audiovisual. Si estas interesado en mandar tu trabajo audiovisual, solo haz click en submit en la pagina para enterarte de como hacerles llegar tu material.

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Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Brokenbeat @ Kadan Jan 07

[Saturday, Jan 6th 2007]
BROKENBEAT Night @ Kadan

SKRAPEZ: TENSHUN & DETH SHEPARD Live Hip Hop Beats/ Turntablism
they blew it up last time cuttin and scrathin rockin original dirty hip hop beats with multiple MPCs. Check out some hidden SD talent...

MEMESHIFT (ShareSD) Live Electronic
Share sd founder and electronic music composer morgan aka memeshift once again experiments with live sound

DJ TUFFER (BrokenBeat) Vinyl
Droppin some of the newest drum n bass for the end-of-the-night freak session

Live video art by: SHIKAKU (Accent Feed - La-Va)

Kadan in North Park, SAn Diego, CA.
4696 30th street, (Corner of 30th & Adams Ave.)
21 + 9PM - 2 AM


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Monday, January 01, 2007

Saul Bass: The Hollywood Connection

[ English ]
No exactly a VJ but his title sequence work was, is and will be very inspiring.
Saul Bass: The Hollywood Connection, an exhibition focusing on the graphic designer’s acclaimed work for the American film industry, will be on view at the Skirball Cultural Center (Los Angeles, CA) from January 4 through April 1, 2007.


[ Castellano ]
No exactamente un VJ pero sus secuencias de titulos para peliculas eran, son y seran muy inspiradoras.
Saul Bass: The Hollywood Connection, una exhibicion enfocada en el trabajo para la industria de cine norteamericano del famoso disenador. Sera exhibido en el Skirball Cultural Center de Los Angeles, CA del 4 de Enero al 1ero de Abril del 2007.

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