Monday, February 26, 2007

Event: Brokenbeat | 03.03.07

[ SATURDAY, MAR 3rd 2007 ]
BrokenBeat Night@ Kadan

JEGA (Skam / Planet-Mu) Live Electronic.
Jega is Dylan Nathan, an architecture-school classmate of Richard James (Aphex Twin) and Mike Paradinas (ยต-ZIQ). His first
release was on Skam (original home to Boards of Canada). His full length albums,"Spectrum" and "Geometry" combine the
complexity of Aphex Twin and Autechre with the soulful remorse of Motor City's faithful (Derrick May, Kevin Saunderson, and
Juan Atkins).

TOM BURBANK (Planet-Mu / BrokenBeat) Live Electronic
Famous First Words has been getting worldwide rave reviews in the electronic music scene. Professor Coldbanks is about to
drop his latest and greatest productions as well as some dubsteppas to fill the cracks.

MEMESHIFT (ShareSD) Live Electronic
Founder of our favorite Electronic Music Community called Share SD , Morgan, aka Memeshift has been impressing us all with his jiggy live electronic sets. Please arrive early to check him out....

RE:vision aka Brandon Hirzel is a motion graphics artist / VJ from Detroit looking to visually expand the depths of sound by expressing his "replied vision".

Resident vj

KADAN in North Park, Sand Diego, CA
4696 30th street, (Corner of 30th & Adams Ave.) | 21 + 9PM - 2 AM


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Friday, February 23, 2007

Norman McLaren | Synchromy

[ English ]
Norman McLaren (1914 - 1987) was a Scottish animator and film director famous for his experiments with image and sound as he developed a number of groundbreaking techniques for combining and synchronizing animation with music.

Here are 2 clips I found, the first one Synchromy (1971) is a sequence of photographs of unusual geometric shapes and running them through an optical sound head.
The second one, is a short documentary showing his technique and clips of some of his works.

Via: Everyone Forever

[ Castellano ]
Norman McLaren (1914 - 1987) nacido en Escocia fue un director y animador, famoso por sus experimentos con imagen y sonido, ya que dio origen a un gran numero de tecnicas en su momento desconocidas y que aun hoy son usadas.

He aqui dos videos que encontre, el primero Synchromy (1971) es una secuencia de de fotografias de formas geometricas inusuales que fueron pasadas por una cabeza de sonido optico.
El segundo es un mini documental que muestra su tecnica y algunos fragmentos de sus mas conocidos trabajos.

Via: Everyone Forever


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Friday, February 16, 2007

Flight Patterns | Koblin

[ English ]
The Flight Patterns visualizations are the result of experiments leading to the project Celestial Mechanics by Scott Hessels and Gabriel Dunne. FAA data was parsed and plotted using the Processing programming environment. These are some amazing videos of air traffic over the USA as seen by the FAA. More info at Aaron Koblin's site.

[ Castellano ]
Las visualizaciones de patrones de vuelo son un resultado de experimentos que apuntan al proyecto Celestial Mechanics ideado por Scott Hessels y Gabriel Dunne. Informacion recolectada de FAA y luego dirigida hacia el software Processing, dando como resultado unos increibles videos de trafico aereo sobre Estado Unidos. Mas info en el Website de Aaron Koblin


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Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Brokenbeat Feb 07 | Footage

Momo the Monster @ Brokenbeat Feb 2007

[ English ]
Here are some pics and video from the last brokenbeat, with Momo the Monster as our Guest Vj, There is also some footage of the night, The first video is a bit of Momo's visual set for Disrupter, the second video is a fragment from our set together for Frik n Frak.

I managed to put together a translucid screen for this event, still working on how to improve it a bit, but it's coming along.
One thing I noticed (and many of the Brokenbeat usuals) is that usually people hang out in the back of the venue, this time people where in front, was it the music? the new screen? or maybe Momo's charm?

[ Castellano ]
Aqui algunas fotos de lo que fue el ultimo Brokenbeat con nuestro VJ invitado, Momo the Monster tambien subi unos videos de esa noche, el primero es un fragmento del set de Momo para Disrupter, el segundo es un fragmento de nuestro set juntos para Frik n Frak.

Para este ultimo evento arme una pantalla translucida, todavia tratando de mejorarla pero va saliendo. Una cosa que notamos es que en grall siempre la gente se queda en la parte de atras, esta vez la concentracion de gente se vino para adelante, habra sido la musica?, la pantalla nueva? o quizas el talento de momo?

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Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Touch - Dexia Tower | Brussels

[ English ]
Belgian based, LAb[au] (LAboratory for Architecture and Urbanism) conceptualized this amazing urban interactive installation that took place from the Dec 26th of 2006 until Jan 15th 2007 on the Dexia Tower and place Rogier in Brussels, Belgium, from wich 4200 windows were individually color enlightened by RGB-led bars, transforming the tower into a huge display. People were able to direclty interact with the process through a multi-touch screen interface. They where also able to take a snapshot of their color combinations and then send to an email of their choice. Whatch the loader on the second video.

[ Castellano ]
El laboratorio de arquitectura y urbanismo de Belgica, LAb[au] llevo a cabo esta increible instalacion interactiva - urbana que tuvo lugar durante el 26 de Dic y el 15 de Ene del 2007 en la Torre Dexia en Bruselas. Donde 4200 ventantas fueron iluminadas-coloreadas por barras de Led - RGB, transformand la torre en un enorme canvas luminoso, El publico podia controlar este proceso por medio de una pantalla del tipo multi -touch, donde ademas podian tomar una foto de su combinacion de colores y enviarla a un email, presten atencion al detalle del "loading" en el segundo video.

Via: Interactive Architecture


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Monday, February 05, 2007

Blip Festival | NYC

Neil Voss @ Blip Festival 2006

Hally @ Blip Festival 2006

[ English ]
I was browsing Dan Winckler's Photos when I found a photo with cool pixel display and he was kind enough to point me to the Blip Festival, a four-day celebration of over 30 international artists exploring the untapped potential of low-bit videogame consoles and home computers used as creative tools. Familiar devices are pushed in new directions with startling results.
The display was provided by Element Labs.
The beautiful photos were shot by Brian Liloia and where found at Game Set Watch where you can read a full report about the festival.

[ English ]
Estaba mirando las fotos de Dan Winckler cuando encontre una foto de un display de pixels que me llamo la atencion, y Dan me informo sobre el Blip Festival, una celebracion de 4 dias, donde mas de 30 artistas internacionales exploran las posibilidades y potenciales de las consolas de video juegos del tipo "Low Bit" y computadoras de hogar, usadas como herramientas creativas. Dispositivos conocidos son llevados en nuevas direcciones con resultados asombrosos.
El display fue creado por Element Labs.
Las hermosas fotos, tomadas por Brian Liloia y fueron encontradas en Game Set Watch donde se puede leer un reporte completo sobre el festival.


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