Dropclock Screensaver
[ English ]
Aaaah.. yes this is just great, and while I think it is just going to appeal to everyone, I know there is a lot of designers turned Vjs outhere, and you more than anyone will appreciate this piece. What can be better than a clock with numbers dropping on water in slow motion? Best of all, its a screen saver!
Download it here
Via the always good TypeNeu™
[ Castellano ]
Aaah.. que bueno esto, si bien imagino que algo asi va a ser del gusto de muchos, se que hay varios disenadores convertidos en Vjs por ahi, y ellos/as especialmente van a disfrutar de esto. Que mejor que un reloj con numeros cayendo en agua, filamdo en alta velocidad? Lo mejor de todo es un salvapantallas.
Bajalo Download it aqui
Via el siempre interesante TypeNeu™
Labels: high speed, Screensaver