Sunday, March 30, 2008

Dropclock Screensaver

[ English ]
Aaaah.. yes this is just great, and while I think it is just going to appeal to everyone, I know there is a lot of designers turned Vjs outhere, and you more than anyone will appreciate this piece. What can be better than a clock with numbers dropping on water in slow motion? Best of all, its a screen saver!
Download it here

Via the always good TypeNeu™

[ Castellano ]
Aaah.. que bueno esto, si bien imagino que algo asi va a ser del gusto de muchos, se que hay varios disenadores convertidos en Vjs por ahi, y ellos/as especialmente van a disfrutar de esto. Que mejor que un reloj con numeros cayendo en agua, filamdo en alta velocidad? Lo mejor de todo es un salvapantallas.
Bajalo Download it aqui

Via el siempre interesante TypeNeu™

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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Umps Unzin | Depart

Umps Unzin from depart on Vimeo.

[ English ]
Some really nice work by Vienna based artist Depart, I love the organic feel that you get with Processing, beautiful work I can watch it for hours. The music/ sounds were done by Zanshin (Gregor Ladenhauf).

Thanks Desaxismundi !

[ Castellano ]
Muy bueno el trabajo del Austriaco Depart, me encanta el sentimiento organico que se logra con Processing, realmente magnifico puedo mirarlo por horas. La musica/ Sonidos fueron creados por anshin (Gregor Ladenhauf).

Gracias Desaxismundi !


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Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Freewaves - Event Video

[ English ]
I found this little video covering a bit of the Freewaves event in L.A. last year, unfortunately you can't see all of the Vjs that particpated on the event, but maybe they will upload more video soon. You can see Vj Fill, Momo the monster and myself on the interviews, and I think the organizer of the event at the end.

[ Castellano ]
Aca un fragmento de lo que fue el evento Freewaves el ano pasado en Los Angeles, solo se pueden ver 3 de los mas de 10 Vjs que participaron, espero que pronto suban mas video del evento.

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Thursday, March 13, 2008

Brokenbeat March 2008 | Recap

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
[ English ]
Some photos of the last Brokenbeat night with special guest Vj Cozer
Music Performances by Koala, Breakah, Disruptor, Memeshift and Fwdthought. check the videos below.

[ Castellano ]
Algunas fotos del ultimo Brokenbeat con invitado especial Vj Cozer
Musica por: Koala, Breakah, Disruptor, Memeshift y Fwdthought. Videos abajo.

Memeshift / Vj Cozer

Fwdthought / Vj Shikaku

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Wednesday, March 12, 2008

AVmixer Lite 1.0 | Vj Fader

[ English ]
Fellow video artist and La-Va member Vj Fader just released AVmixer Lite 1.0. A reduced version of his AVmixer Pro 1.0 Very simple to use, and a great way to get into Vjing. Best of all its free!.
Available for: Mac Os / Windows XP / Windows Vista

[ Castellano ]
Artista visual y miembro de La-Va, Vj Fader acaba de sacar AVmixer Lite 1.0. Una version reducida de su ya famoso AVmixer Pro 1.0 Muy simple de usar, como veran en el video de arriba y una buena manera en meterse en lo que es Vjing. Lo mejor de todo, es gratis!
Funciona en: Mac Os / Windows XP / Windows Vista

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