Multisensorial inspirations for the VJ / Video Performer.
Friday, November 28, 2008
Pimp My Art Party
[ English ] Real-time generative HD motion graphics broadcasted on 3 screens, using vvvv's clustering system with a final resolution of 3840 * 1024 and fully audio reactiv.... at 60 fps! Motion by Desaxismundi and Urban Drone
Fantastic Work!
[ Castellano ] Animacion generativa en tiempo real HD, projectada en 3 pantallas, utilizando el clustering system de vvvv's, con una resolucion final de 3840 x 1024 y reaccion auditiva a 60fps!
[ English ] I recently started digging on my old cd books, and I found Everything, Everything, by Underworld which I now ripped and have on mp3. One of their best tracks on the album to me is Jumbo, their live version (recorded on the DVD version of the album) is absolutely fantastic, look at those visuals!
[ Castellano ] recientemente me puse a buscar en mi colleccion de CDs, y encontre Everything, Everything de Underworld, el cual ahora tengo en mp3. Uno de los mejores tracks en el disco para mi es Jumbo. La version en vivo (como se ve en la version DVD del album) es realmente fantastica, mira esos visuales!.
[ English ] Capitalizing on the exhibition’s ceilings and corrugated walls, the audiovisual of Room C show how thirst can have unexpected and varied consequences. The pieces range from a doomed perspective to using the theme of thirst as a catalyst for progress. This is a 2 min montage filmed on-site. The full installation last 6 minutes.
Expo 2008 (International Expo), takes as its theme the natural resource most affected by climate change. Water and Sustainable Development kicked off on June 14 in Zaragoza, a dry city in northern Spain. Encompassing more than 60 acres along the Ebro River, the expo is true to its theme—all of its facilities are powered by renewable energy sources.
[ English ] Utilizando los techos y paredes corrugadas del local para la exhibicion, las audiovisuales del Cuarto C, narra las variadas e inesperadas consecuecias que trae la sed. Aqui se ve un montaje de 2 minutos. La instalacion dura 6 minutos.
Expo 2008 (International Expo), tiene como premisa los recursos naturales mas afectados por el cambio climatico. Agua y el desarollo sustenible comienzan en Zaragoza, una ciudad seca en el norte de Espana. A lo largo de mas de 60 acres al lado del rio Ebro, la exposicion utiliza recursos renobables para obtener su energia.
Las visuales fueron creadas por el grupo Espanol, Basemotion.
[ English ] I have no words. This is just out of this planet. I don't have an iPhone, but if I did, this is probably the first thing I would install on it. The concept of reactive audio (and visuals) fascinates me and this guy (Michael I think is his name?) just took it to a new level. On the video above, you can (sort of) experience what it feels like to use this, the initial scene when the kids are playing transforms into something surreal, almost as if you were on a dream state.
On the video below, you can find quick explanation of the different things you will find on RJDJ.
[ Castellano ] Sin palabras! Esto es realmente increible. Yo no tengo un iPhone, pero si tuviera uno, esta applicacion seria la primera que instalaria. El concepto de audio reaccion (y video) me fascina y este hombre (Michael creo q se llama) lo acaba de transportar a otro nivel. En el video de arriba se exerimentar (casi) lo que se siente cuando se usa RJDJ, la primera escena con las chicas jugando se transforma en algo surreal, como si estuvieras viviendo un sueño.
En el de mas abajo, se puede aprender un poco mas sobre las diferentes aplicaciones que se encuentran en RJDJ.