Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Event: DTC @ Voz Alta

[ FRIDAY, AUGUST 3th 2007 ]

(Presented in Dubvision)
Live Visuals by Miguel Vega

ACAMONCHI's solo show:
Conexiones Extrañas Guey, opens from 8 to 11 p.m.
Friday, Aug. 3, at VOZ ALTA, 1544 Broadway, Downtown.

Also Music by: SSI and Ford Proco

Vegan catering by: Pokez

Suggested Donation: 5$

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Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Light Doodles | Sprint

[ English ]
If you are in the U.S. you probably seen the sprint commercial with the light animations produced by Brickyard VFX. While the end results are fantastic, I wonder if projects like Pika Pika (see previous entry) get any credit for this, its seems to be the never ending story of the small independent project inspiring a large corporation that takes the concept to the masses and calls it self cutting edge and experimental. Watch the spot below, and the behind the scenes below it.

[ Castellano ]
Aqui el nuevo comercial the Sprint, producido por Brickyard VFX, si bien los resultados son asombrosos, me pregunto si proyectos como Pika Pika (leer blog anterior se llevan algun tipo de credito por esto, pareciera ser la historia interminable sobre el original proyecto independiente capturado por la gran corporacion y llevado a las masas, llamandose asi misma hip o experimental. Mira el spot mas abajo y como se hizo debajo de el mismo.

TV Spot:

Behind the Scenes:

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Monday, July 16, 2007

Delicate Boundaries | Medialab

[ English ]
"Delicate Boundaries is an interactive installation where human touch can dissolve the barrier of the computer screen. Using the body as a means of exchange, the system explores the subtle boundaries that exist between foreign systems and what it might mean to cross them. Lifelike digital animations swarm out of their virtual confinement onto the skin of a hand or arm when it makes contact with a computer screen creating an imaginative world where our bodies are a landscape for digital life to explore."

[ Castellano ]
"Delicate Boundaries es una instalacion interactiva donde el toque humano puede disolver la barrera impuesta por la pantalla de la computadora. Usando el cuerpo como una fomra ce intercambio, el sistema explora los sutiles limitaciones que existen entre sistemas ajenos y lo que significa cruzarlos. Animaciones como con vida propia salen de su espacio virtual, trsladandose a la mano o brazo cuando este toma contacto con la pantalla. creando un mundo imaginario donde nuestros cuerpos son el paisaje a explorar para estos seres digitales."

Via: Todaynow

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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Traffik | Apple Pro

[ English ]
Lyon based, Trafik is an interactive graphic and multimedia design agency conformed by five partners, that combine their talents in order to bring the kind of work you wish you could have been a part of. Check out their profile on the apple site.

[ Castellano ]
Con base en Lyon, Trafik es una agencia grafica interactiva y multimedial conformada por cinco socios, que combinan talentos para completar el tipo de proyectos en los que hubieras deseado participar. Aqui el link al profile en el sitio de Apple.

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Monday, July 09, 2007

Spent2000 | Tim Nolan

[ English ]
I been wanting to post this site for a while, a great collection of audio visual bits, sampled from films, television or reality. Tim Nolan, the brains behind the operation, describes it as "... a platform for browser entertainment, an idea I have been playing since that summer (of 1997)..." So get a good pair of headphones on, and start browsing around, let your mind get lost in the AV loops of Spent2000.

[ Castellano ]
Hacia rato que queria postear este site, gran coleccion de bits audiovisuales, sampleados de films, television o incluso de la realidad. Tim Nolan, el cerebro detras de la operacion, lo describe como "... una plataforma para entretenimiento en navegadores, una idea con la que estube jugando desde aquel verano de 1997..." Asi que ponete unos buenos auriculares y pegale una mirada a la colleccion de loops AV de Spent2000.

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Thursday, July 05, 2007

Liquid Space | Diesel

[ English ]
Diesel Recently presented their Liquid Space fashion show in Florence, Italy, featuring amazing projections that looked almost holographic, that moved up and down on the runway.
My theory on how its done: a translucid screen along one of the sides of the runway, allowed the audience to see the models and the floating graphics from both sides. Diesel Creative Director, Wilbert Das, teamed up with Danish based video technology studio, Vizoo and Barcelona based mograph studio Dvein to put together this one of a kind show.

My theory was incorrect, here is how it was done:

“The visuals are projected through a series of ‘foils’ into mid air, so you see the images in mid-air. The models can then interact with them and walk through them. We used plastic foils placed at 45 degree angles so that the projected light from the ceiling goes onto a foil, is reflected on to another and then into the air.

We worked it so it had a real catwalk feel and so that you could view it from both sides: you can see the models, the holograms and the public from both sides. It’s never been used this way before as the technology has just been used in the corporate world before, for sales presentations, and the visuals have always just been viewed from one side. So we set up two rigs instead."

Please check: Creative Review's Blog for more info on the process.

[ Castellano ]
Recientemente Diesel presento su show Liquid Space, en Florencia, Italia, donde se pudieron ver increibles proyecciones casi holograficas, moviendose a lo largo de la pasarela.
My teoria, sobre como se hizo: una pantalla translucida suspendida a lo largo de la pasarela sobre uno de los lados de la misma, permitia al publico observar a los modelos y animaciones desde los dos lados. El director creativo de Diesel, Wilbert Das, se agrupo con el estudio de tecnologia visual Danes, Vizoo y el estudio de animacion de Barcelona, Dvein para poner en escena este show.

My teoria era incorrecta, favor de revisar: Creative Review's Blog para mas informacion sobre el proceso.

Via: Motionographer

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Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Brokenbeat June 2007 | Recap

[ English ]
Here are some pics and video from the last Brokenbeat featuring the Vjs from Cinema Sushi, let me just start saying that these guys rocked! For what I understand, they been doing visuals before I knew what a Vj was, (which is not that long ago, actually, but I was trying to say they been around for a while) I dont think I ever saw that much gear in a tiny little bar like Kadan before, chaotic wires everywhere, a bit scary to look at, but at the end it was all worth it. While his girlfriend creates content on one of their machines, Andy selects from all their sources and mixes in real time, take a look in the video below.

[ Castellano ]
Aca dejo unas fotos y video de brokenbeat del mes pasado, con los Vjs de Cinema Sushi, me gustaria decir que estos pibes me dejaron mudo, por lo que tengo entendido, han estado haciendo visuales desde antes de que yo supiera que es un Vj, (que en realidad no es hace tanto, pero el punto es que ellos son veteranos en esto). Creo que nuna vi tanto equipo para visuales en un un bar tan chico como lo es Kadan, cables caoticos por todos lados que daban miedo, pero a la larga valio la pena. Mientras su novia produce contenido en una de sus maquinas, Andy selecciona y mezcla contenidos de diferentes fuentes en tiempo real, miren el video de abajo para ver los resultados.


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