Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Neighbourhood Boutique | Fashion Show

[ English ]
Here is a quick edit I made for a fashion show by Neighbourhood Boutique here in San Diego, hosted at Cream Coffee Bar, where I did visuals. The challenge was to transform the space with very little budget, from a coffee shop atmosphere to as close as we could get to a nightclub feel, so I decided to ask help from Gage at Merge Events, and he was kind enough to bring lights and the most important thing, the runway.

I decided to make a time lapse of the transformation phase in order to be able to show it to future clients, I think its a good idea, slowly I'm discovering that I can't really have other people imagine my vision of things just by telling them, but if you show them something similar, chances are that they will say: I want that!

[ Castellano ]
Aquin un rapido edit que hice, para un fashion show en organizado por Neighbourhood Boutique , aqui en San Diego, en Cream Coffee Bar donde hice visuales. La meta era transformar el espacio cpn un presupuesto bajo, de un Cafe a lo mas cercano posible a un nightclub, Para esto llame a mi amigo Gage de Merge Events y el fue de mucha ayuda trayendo una pasarela y luces.

Decidi realizar un time-lapse sobre la transformacion, para poder mostrar a futuros clientes el antes y el despues.
Creo que es una buena idea, de a poco voy descubriendo que a veces no puedo transmitir mis ideas a otras mis clientes, con solo palabras, pero que si le muestro algo concreto, lo mas probable es que digan: Lo quiero!

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Friday, June 20, 2008

The Cloud | MIT Mobile Experience Lab

[ English ]
Developed by MIT Mobile Experience Lab, The Cloud is an organic sculptural landmark (located in Florence, Italy) that responds to human interaction and expresses context awareness using hundreds of sensors and over 15,000 individually addressable optical fibers. Constructed of carbon glass, spanning over four meters, and containing more than 65 kilometers of fiber optics, the Cloud encourages visitors to touch and interact with information in new ways, manifesting emotions and behavior through sound and a dichotomy of luminescence and darkness.

[ Castellano ]
Producida por el MIT Mobile Experience Lab, The Cloud es un escultura organica (ubicada en Florencia, Italia) que responde a la interaccion humana a traves de cientos de sensores y mas de 15.000 fibras opticas que operan individualmente. Construido de vidrio de carbono, con un largo de 4 metros, The Cloud (La Nube) invita a su audiencia a tocar e interactuar con informacion de una manera nueva, manifestando emociones y comportamientos a traves de iluminacion, sonido y oscuridad.

Via: Core77

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Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Mapping Festival 08 | Sati

[ English ]
I've never heard of Sati till like a month ago, when I saw their Pic Vert piece, now I run into this footage from Mapping Festival and it just looks great. I must mention that according to their Vimeo entry, this footage was shot by AntiVJ, this is not the first time I see them mentioned as a photographer/ videographer focusing on video acts, and they always look amazing. Documenting live acts like this, I believe, is a big part of promoting a project, band or event, and of course VJing!

[ Castellano ]
Nunca habia escuchado de Sati hasta hace un mes atras, cuando pude ver su proyecto Pic Vert , y ahora encontre este video de su actuacion en el Mapping Festival y se ve realmente increible, debo mencionar que, de acuerdo a la descripcion del video en Vimeo, ese video fue tomado por AntiVJ, no es la primera vez que veo videos o fotografias de el (o ellos) documentando la labor de otros video-artistas, y siempre se ven muy pero muy bien. Documentar eventos en vivo como esto, cumple un gran rol en promover un proyecto, banda, o evento y por su puesto Vjing!

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Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Universal Everything | 08 Reel

[ English ]
Is not often you get to see so much amazing work coming from the same group of people, pushing the envelope on every single piece they produce, and so far Universal Everything keeps doing just that, (sometimes I wonder how their bad work looks like.. ) Very inspiring, on a wide range of mediums, from print work to reactive installations, I'll let their demo reel do the talking.

If you would like to know more about Matt Pyke and his talented team, take a look at this profile video on the Apple site from a few months ago.

[ Castellano ]
No es comun ver grandes cantidades de excelente trabajo viniendo de un mismo grupo de personas, siempre elevando el nivel con cada pieza completada, y hasta ahora Universal Everything pareciera ser uno de esos pocos, (algunas veces me pregunto como se veran sus malos trabajos) Muy inspirador, en una gran variedad de medios que van desde imprenta a instalaciones reactivas. Voy a dejar que su demo reel hable por si mismo.

Si quieres saber mas sobre Matt Pike y su talentoso equipo, mira este profile video publicado en el sitio de Apple un par de meses atras.

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Monday, June 16, 2008

Cimatics | 08AV Submissions

[ English ]
Cimatics - Brussels International Festival for Live Audiovisual Art & VJing - invites all artists, creatives and producers to send their submissions for the next Cimatics festival taking place from 12th - 15th November 2008 throughout the centre of Brussels.

To submit your project go to cimatics.com/entries
Deadline for submissions: July 31st 2008.

[ Castellano ]
Cimatics - Bruselas, festival internacional para visuales en vivo y Vjing, invita a todos los artistas, creativos y productores a enviar su material para el proximo festival que se llevara a cabo desde el 12 al 15 de noviembre del 2008 en el centro de Bruselas.

Para enviar tu material, favor de visitar: cimatics.com/entries
Las entregas seran aceptadas hasta el 31 de Julio del 2008.

En excerpt from last year's festival.

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Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Thump | Kava Lounge

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.
[ English ]
Here some photos from a gig I did last week, considering I improvised the projections set up in 1hr and 30 min, I think it came out pretty good. 3 projectors in a small gallery, for me and my dots.
I'm still getting used to my new fishy lens, (Tokina 10-17mm) photos either come sharp or with noise most of the time, but sometimes I get to find the balance between both, overall I think photos came out pretty nice. The reason I shoot it myself is because most event photographers ignore screens and shoot with a flash, the light bounces on the projections and it ends up washing them out, so I decided to shoot from the VJ perspective, you may not see the Dj's face, but you will see the visuals :)

[ Castellano ]
Aca algunas fotos que tome en un evento la semana pasada, teniendo en cuenta que tuve que improvisar todo en 1hr 30min, creo que quedo bastante bien. 3 proyectores en un local pequeno para mi y mis puntitos.
Todavia me estoy acostumbrando a mi nuevo lente fishy, (Tokina 10mm-17mm) las fotos salen en foco o con ruido, pero a veces le agarro la mano y encuentro el balance. La razon por la que tomo las fotos es por que la mayoria de los fotografos de eventos, ignoran las pantallas y toman fotos con flash, la luz rebota en las projecciones y las lava, entonces comence a tomar fotos desde el punto de vista del VJ, quizas no salen las caras de los Djs, pero se van a ver las pantallas :)

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Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Orbit | Sanch

[ English ]
Another amazing find via Desaxismundi.
Sanch says: “Orbit, is our new project, it´s a journey into an interactive realtime audiovisual solar system ,
In this computer generated 3d world , sound and visual are synchronized for a full audiovisual experience. The graphics and the movement of this abstract generative system is driven by a deep minimal dancefloor beat with a strong emphasis on realtime interaction. Orbit is a high resolution audiovisual experience. A panoramic trip into a futuristic organic 3d space …"

The footage was taken from a performance at Club Transmediale in Berlin, Germany.

[ English ]
Sanch cuenta: "Orbit, es nuestro nuevo proyecto, es un viaje hacia un sistema solar interactivo en tiempo real. En este mundo tridimensional generado por computadora, el sonido y las visuales son sincronizados en una experiencia audiovisual completa, La grafica y el movimiento de este sistema abstracto es motivado por un profundo ritmo minimalista con gran control de interaccion en tiempo real. Una experiencia audiovisual en alta resolucion, Un Viaje panoramico hacia un espacio 3d futuristico y organico.."

El video ha sido tomado durante una actuacion en el Club Transmediale de Berlin, Alemania.

Gracias: Desaxismundi

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Monday, June 02, 2008

Brokenbeat Loves Vjs

Vj Cozer @ Brokenbeat - March08 VJ COZER- San Diego, CA

Vj Übergeek  @ Brokenbeat Sept 07 VJ ÜBERGEEK - San Diego, CA - Watch Video

Vj Ecin @ Brokenbeat VJ ECIN - Los Angeles, CA - Watch Video

VJ Mezi @ Broeknbeat Nov 2006 MEZI - San Diego, CA - Watch Video

Tycho/ ISO50 @ Brokenbeat - July 2007 TYCHO/ ISO50 - Bay Area, CA - Watch Video

Vj ReVision @ Brokenbeat | 03.07 RE:VISION - San Diego, CA - Watch Video

Vj Raster  @ Brokenbeat VJ RASTER - San Diego, CA - Watch Video

BB_May_08 13.jpg VJ SAL - Tijuana, MX

BB_Jan_08 1.jpg ANDREW PATES - San Diego, CA

Momo the Monster @ Brokenbeat Feb 2007 MOMO THE MONSTER - Portland, OR - Watch Video

Cinema Sushi @ Brokenbeat CINEMA SUSHI VJS - San Diego, CA - Watch Video

Brokenbeat_Dec  219.jpg VJ FILL - Los Angeles, CA

Just wanted to share a few pictures I took from some of the VJs that had performed the past year at Brokenbeat, The goal is to have at least 1 different Vj every night, I've met so many incredible artists thanks to this event, each one with their own style and set up, and since the nature of the VJ is to hang out in the dark, away from the spotlight, you can't really recognize their faces like it would happen with a Dj or a musician, so I thought it would be nice to put a face to the name. Thanks to everyone that was kind enough to support a FREE event, I hope we can have more new faces doing visuals soon!

Solo queria compartir algunas de las fotos que fui tomando de diferentes VJs que han participado en Brokenbeat en los ultimos meses, la meta seria traer al menos 1 Vj diferente cada noche, gracias a esto he podido conocer a varios artistas increibles, cada uno con su estilo, y su set up y como usualmente la naturaleza del VJ es estar en la oscuridad, nunca se les ven las caras, como pasaria con musicos y Djs. Pense que seria bueno poner algunas caras con los nombres. Gracias a todos los que han participado en un evento completamente GRATUITO, Ojala podamos seguir viendo caras nuevas haciendo visuales muy pronto!

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