Light Attack | Sauter
[ English ]
Very interesting project by interactive installation artist Daniel Sauter.
"Light Attack is a media artwork, as well as social experiment, performed in public urban spaces. While driving through the city, an animated virtual character is projected onto the cityscape, exploring places "to go" and places "not to go", according to the popular Lonely Planet travel guide."
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[ Castellano ]
Interesante proyecto del artista Daniel Sauter.
Light Attack (ataque de luz / ataque luminoso) es tanto arte mediatico como experimento social, proyectado en espacios publicos urbanos. Mientras manejan por la ciudad la silueta animada de un personaje virtual es proyectada en diferentes espacios, explorando lugares "para visitar" y para "no visitar" segun una guia turistica popular llamada "Lonely Planet".
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Labels: Installation, Outdoor Projections