Event: Broken Beat | 11.04.06

This Saturday!!
I will be performing visuals back to back with VJ Mezi.
Here is the Info:
Saturday, Nov 4th 2006
FRIK N FRAK ( Broken Beat / REUP) Laptop vs Vinyl
Es el dúo formado por Jon Baker y Kid Nasty.
Su sets son un proceso creativo que resulta de la mezcla entre los finos surcos del vinilo versus los códigos binarios de la computadora consiguendo siempre dosis de breaks y dub altamente bailables.
SKRAPEZ: TENSHUN & DETH SHEPARD Live Hip Hop Beats/ Turntablism
dirty hip hop beats and scratching created on the fly, coming out to BB night to perform a special set
DISRUPTOR ( SHARE SD ) Live Electronic
a tru hidden talent in the SD scene, Disrupter has released tracks on Audiocon and Ultramodern records
his live sets are an original mix of hypnotic glitch funk
CUTTY MAN ( Broken Beat) Vinyl
The cuttyman reaches into the vaults of vinyl once again
Visuals by : VJ SHIKAKU & VJ MEZI
Kadan in North Park, San Diego, California.
4696 30th street, (Corner of 30th & Adams Ave.)
21 + 9PM - 2 AM
Labels: Events