Net-Artist | Area3
[ English ]
Barcelona based Area3, is a collective of artists, designers, programmers and musicians working in interactive new media.
Net Artist: It's a cartoon video with the voice of a net-artist, looking for attention. He explains what net-art is, and the problems he has in order to reach people and to be considered as an art maker".
Make sure you check their site, some really nice works there!
[ Castellano ]
Area3 es un collectivo de Barcelona, compuesto por artistas, disenadores, programadores y musicos que trabajan en nuevos medios interactivos.
NetArtist es un video / caricatura que representa la voz del artista buscando atencion, Explica que es el Net Art y los problemas que atraviesa para poder llegar al publico y ser considerado un artista.
Chequeen el site de Area3 si pueden, muy buenos trabajos ahi!
Labels: Spain