Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Meat Beat Manifesto | Live

[ English ]
Vimeo user Pterrance has great footage from the Meat Beat Manifesto show at the Abbey Pub, just a few days ago. I only picked the 2 tracks I liked the most, "Return to Bass" and "Less" but there is more on his page.

[ Castellano ]
El usuario de Vimeo, Pterrance tiene muy buen video del concierto de Meat Beat Manifesto en el Abbey Pub. hace muy poquitos dias, solo postee los 2 temas q mas me gustaron "Return to Bass" y "Less" pero hay varios mas en su pagina.

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Saturday, April 19, 2008

Time Well Wasted | Crapneto

[ English ]
This has no relation with Vjing, but I believe is an amazing piece that inspires. Directed by Robjn Taylor at Crapneto for the Snowboard film, Time Well Wasted.

[ Castellano ]
Este clip no tiene relacion con Vjing, pero creo que es una pieza asombrosa que inspira. Dirigido por Robjn Taylor en Crapneto para el film de Snowboard, Time Well Wasted.

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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Flickflex | Woeboken

[ English ]
Flickflex is an experimental project by London based design interactions student Chris Woebken. This video is impressive not only because it makes you want something like this, but because of the great real life analogies we see implemented on this project, there is no need for any instructions to understand how to download photos, how to crop, how erase and how to mover around your gallery, etc.

On his own words:
"By minimizing the graphical interface and embodying physical interactions such as flipping, wrenching and bending, it creates more pleasurable ways of managing information."

[ Castellano ]
Flickflex es un proyecto experimental del estudiante de diseno interactivo Londinense Chris Woebken. Este video es mas que impresionante y va mas alla de serlo solo por que me encantaria usar algo asi, pero por que las analogias con el mundo real son mas que claras, sin necesidad de explicaciones uno entiende como bajar fotos de la camara, como hacer re-encuadros como borrar, como moverse dentro de la galeria, etc

En sus propias palabras:
"Minimizando la interfase grafica, y recurriendo al uso de interacciones fisicas como cambiar de pagina, rompiendola, y doblandola, transforma el manejo de informacion en una experiencia mas agradable."


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Monday, April 14, 2008

Paysages Electroniques 08 | MFO

[ English ]
A little video report by MFO one of our contributors at the
Accenfeed Vimeo Channel. What I like about MFO's work is that is really clean, I notice good use of typography, color combinations, nice illustrations and footage all matching together like it belongs. His video report from the Paysages Electroniques shows exactly that, great editing from the perspective of the visualist, really nice piece. Looks like a great festival too!

[ Castellano ]
Aqui un reporte por MFO uno de nuestros contribuidores en el
Canal Accenfeed en Vimeo . Lo que me gusta del trabajo de MFO es que es muy limpio, se nota un buen uso tipografico, combinacion de colores, buen trabajo de illustracion y video combinado excelentemente. Este reporte del Paysages Electroniques muestra exactamente eso, muy buena la edicion, Pareciera ser un gran festival tambien.

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Friday, April 11, 2008

Y Conference Visuals

Created with Admarket's flickrSLiDR.

[ English ]
A few weeks ago, the AIGA Y-13 Conference was held here in San Diego. I was commissioned to do all the motion work to brand the conference and later I got the chance to organize the entertainment for the after party.
The conference targeted graphic designers and discussed their possibilities to develop sustainable solutions (and questions) on their work.
The first part was the opening montage (for each day). The entire work was done in After Effects and Illustrator. That, took most of my time, considering that I'm still new to AE, but I think overall it came out clean.

For the after party I decided to team up with the Djs Beau (Re:Up Magazine) and Walker (Brokenbeat) for the music, and for the visuals I wanted to keep the branding used for the conference, So I did a bit of a remix of the original opening montage, and added a few elements, the faces you see, are from the conference speakers, the type work gives 15 easy to accomplish eco-friendly tips to apply on their work, a short stop motion animation showing the conference's badge, and through the entire Vj set I aimed to keep in tune with all the visual elements used on the conference, colors, type family, etc.

During the opening montage, a series of quotes, from different people were used, from John Lennon to Stephen Hawken, I suggested that those same quotes were mixed with the music as well. Not to mention all 3 of us where dressed with black turtle necks and black framed glasses (designer stereotype). fun night!

[ Castellano ]
Algunas semanas atras, la conferencia AIGA Y-13 Conference fue llevada acabo aqui en San Diego, La conferencia iba dirigida a disenadores y discutia las posibilidades de generar preguntas y respuestas con animos de crear un trabajo mas en tono con el medio ambiente. A mi cargo estaban las animaciones para el branding del evento, incluyendo el after party.
Los montajes de apertura (uno para cada dia) fueron realizados en After effects e Illustrator, que fue lo que mas tiempo me llevo, considerando que aun soy un poco novato con AE, pero dentro de todo creo que salio bastante limpio.

Para el After Party decidi agruparme con los Djs Beau (revista Re:Up) y Walker (Brokenbeat) para la musica y para las visuales queria mantener la tematica del evento, por lo que remixe el montaje de apertura, las caras que se ven son de los presentadores de la conferencia, Los loops de tipografia describen 15 pasos simples para incorporar en el trabajo del disneador a fines de crear opciones eco-amigables. Manteniendo los colores e incorporando la marca de la conferencia dentro de las visuales. Durante los montajes de apertura se pueden oir frases sobre la sustentabilidad que van desde John Lennon hasta Stephen Hawken, esas mismas frases fueron mezcladas con la musica durante la fiesta. Para rematar los tres nos vestimos con polera negra y anteojos de cuadro negros (estereotipo de disenador) Muy divertido.

Opening Montage:

After Party Visuals:

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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Building Projections | Claudio Sinatti

[ English ]
I just stumbled across Italian director, designer and media artist Claudio Sinatti I was particularly interested on his building specific projections, the first one is a bit more of my taste, and it's supposed to be sound-reactive although the video is sped up so its not really great for the ears. The second one is pure commercial and very creative, the footballs flying out of the window is great.

If you are interested in this kind of thing, please check these
two previous posts: Uruk Videomachine | Etienne De Crecy

[ Castellano ]
Acabo de descubrir el portfolio del artista mediatico, director y disenador Italiano, Claudio Sinatti y dos proyectos que me llamaron la atencion son visuales para edicifios especificos, el primero es mas de mi gusto y supuestamente reacciona al sonido pero el video esta acelerado y no es muy agradable al oido, el segundo, es estrictamente comercial y muy creativo, las pelotas volando por las ventanas se ve muy bueno.

Si te interesan este tipo de proyecciones deberias ver
estos dos: Uruk Videomachine | Etienne De Crecy

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Wednesday, April 09, 2008

The Science Of Spying: Escape

[ English ]
A very cool installation by London based studio Pickled Onion, was shown as part of the The Science of Spying exhibit at the Science Museum in London. This reminds me of that part on the movie Total Recall, when Arnie is at the airport walking next to a huge x-ray scanner-wall screen.

[ Castellano ]
Muy buena la instalacion por parte del estudio Loninense Pickled Onion como parte de la exhibicion La Ciencia del Espionaje en el Museo de Ciencia de Londres. Me recuerda a esa escena en la pelicula Total Recall cuando Arnold esta en el aeropuerto caminando y hay una pared/ escaner de rayos X.

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Monday, April 07, 2008

Starwars By Cunningham

[ English ]
This might be pretty old, but I've never seen it before, looks great.
Not only because he is using recognizable characters that the audience can relate to, but the fact that he sticks with the theme during the entire track, the crowd seems to love it.
Recorded in 2005 @ Electraglide in Japan, clearly Chris Cunningham has talent not only as a director but as a Dj and Vj.

[ Castellano ]
Esto parece ser bastante viejo, pero yo no lo habia visto nunca, muy bueno, no solo por que esta usando personajes reconocibles que facilitan la coneccion con la audiencia, pero el hecho de que el tema continua durante toda la pista, el publico parece mas que satisfecho. Grabado en el 2005 en Electraglide Japon, claramente Chris Cunningham tiene talento, no solo como director pero sino tambien como Dj y Vj.

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Friday, April 04, 2008

Event: Brokenbeat April 2008

[ SATURDAY, April 5th 2008 ]

[ Live Music By: ]

A veteran producer/ performer of hardware based electronic music. He has performed alongside 8fm, Mu-ziq, DMX Krew,
Random Number, and others.
Recently featured at the 2007 Electro-music Conference in Philly.

Expect a raw and rugged sonic experience that takes you thru a myriad of electronic music genres. He can be found holding down Friends Chill at Whistlestop on Tuesdays.


Her sets consist of a fusion of dope underground tracks mixed with her own original creations using a KP3 sampler, a laptop and a microphone adding vocals to obtain an ethereal vibe.

You can catch her internet radio show every wed (7-9pm PST) on HipStepRadio Her journey thru music began while living below Kid Koala in 1998 and has progressed from Montreal to New York City, to her most recent home of Phoenix AZ where she currently runs several nights and has performed at almost every venue.


An old school SD tru head, delivering dirty glitchy electro to keep you dancing straight to the after party at the Brown Lounge.

The Messenger has rocked domes both literally and figuratively from Burningman to SD. His most recent mix 'I challenge you' has been getting much praise as it has been passed through the magical tubes of the internet.

DJ KWALA// BrokenBeat

Kwala takes a break from her PHD program, dusts off some vinyl and shows why she's one of SDs true hidden female talents.

[ Live Visuals By: ]

In the audiovisual circuit since 1997. One of the true pioneers in the Mexican VJ movement, working with the NorTec Collective till the year 2002, since then he collaborated with other musical projects like Terrestre - Murcof, Jacks Son, Smokey and others. Sal has performed in many festivals and electronic music events in countries like Germany, France, USA and Mexico.

SHIKAKU // Brokenbeat// LA-VA// Accentfeed
Visual artist Miguel Vega, Originally from Argentina, has been doing visuals for various live performances and installations since 2002.

KADAN in North Park, Sand Diego, CA
4696 30th street, (Corner of 30th & Adams Ave.) | 21 + 9PM - 2 AM

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