Friday, March 31, 2006

Interactive Walls | Beyes Store

[ English ]
Nanika (A division devoted to augmented reality design research), developed this interactive installation at the Beyes Store, (Omotesando Hills Mall) in Tokyo. Everyone can interact in real time, generating colorfull patterns. Very Nice!

Check the Video Sample

[ Castellano ]
Nanika creo esta presentacion interactiva en el Beyes Store en Tokyo. Visitantes del local pueden interactar en tiempo real, creando coloridos patrones visuales. Muy Bueno!

Ver Video

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Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Motion Dive | Intro Video

[ English ]
A quick Motion Dive Tokyo introduction, including the performance package and other MIDI devices.

[ Castellano ]
Video introductorio al sistema Motion Dive Tokyo, incluyendo el controlador para actos en vivo de MD y otros controladores MIDI.

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Friday, March 24, 2006

Interactive Installation Prototype | UVA

[ English ]
Once again, United Visual Artists with a new mezmerizing project, the images alone look incredible.
This recent prototype is a combination of LED/3D camera interactive installation. The user s gestures and motion through the space affect both the visuals and the audio.

[ Castellano ]
Otra vez tengo que mencionar a United Visual Artists, increibles las fotografias de su nuevo proyecto interactivo, utilizando una combinacion de LED y camara en 3D, donde los movimientos del usuario afectan las visuales y el audio.

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Olive | Open Space:NYC

[ English ]
This video is the un-edited capture of a real time system designed for the Open Source /Movement Research Festival on December 2005. The open space/lab was established for " walk in" visitors as testers for the development of the interactive performance system. All the outputs were captured creating an accumulation of improvisational digital sound and image material of mediated and constructed actions. The audience is invited to generate sound and to move using a wearable, wireless interface connected to a laptop that processes (loops, mixes and filters) , captures, exports and uploads images and sounds based on his/her performance.
Via: Unstable Landscape

[ Castellano ]
Video sin edicion, capturado en vivo desde un sistema interactivo disenado para el Open Source /Movement Research Festival en Diciembre del 2005. La muestra invitaba a los visitantes a participar con el sistema interactivo, generando sonido y movimientos, utilizando una interfase "vestible" que conectada en forma inalambrica a una laptop, permite el procesamiento de capturas visuales y auditivas relacionadas con los movimientos del invidividuo.
Via: Unstable Landscape


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Love Game | Wilfrid Brimo

[ English ]
Directed by Wilfrid Brimo , this animated music video (reminiscent of the Eboy style) tells the story of the "Love Game", Music by Shakedown.

[ Castellano ]
Dirigido por Wilfrid Brimo este video animado (muy al estilo de Eboy ) cuenta la historia del "Juego del Amor", el track musical pertenece a Shakedown.

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Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Ashes and Snow | Nomad Museum

[ English ]
I just came back from the Ashes and Snow exhibit, featuring photographic works, film, art installations and a novel in letters. Located at the Santa Monica pier in Los Angeles, this "nomad museum" is the traveling home of the exihbition, the whole structure is made of 152 steel cargo containers stacked in a checkerboard pattern, forming the walls of the museum. On the inside, the structure consists of paper tubes, a truly amazing work by Japanese architect Shigeru Ban. The presentation produced to display the amazing photo and film work of Gregory Colbert is a true master piece, if you happen to be in the LA area, you should check it out before it moves to Japan.

[ Castellano ]
Acabo de llegar de la exhibicion de Video y fotografia, Ashes and Snow (Cenizas y Nieve), ubicada en el embarcadero de Santa Monica, en Los Angeles. Este museo nomade es el hogar de esta exhibicion viajante, construida por 152 contenedores de carga metalicos, que sirven de paredes (y para transportar el museo portatil a otras locaciones), el interior utiliza el contraste de elementos organicos como tubos de carton, y fabricas hechas con sacos de te, un trabajo impecable realizado por el arquitecto Japones, Shigeru Ban. La atmosfera lograda en la presentacion de estas fotografias y trabajos audiovisuales de Gregory Colbert, es realmente impresionante.

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Thursday, March 16, 2006

AVit SF on Discovery Channel

[ English ]
Here is a fragment from Discovery Channel showing a little bit of AVit San Francisco and the Vjing culture. I'm guessing this is pretty old, but I haven't seen it before.

[ Castellano ]
Aqui un fragmento de un especial que salio en Discovery sobre AVit que se realizo en San francisco y sobre la cultura VJ. Me parece que es un poco viejo pero no lo habia visto antes.

Via: VirginTV

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Mixed Reality Interface

[ English ]
An interactive interface, developed by Austrian based software company Kommerz that allows you to control objects in a virtual 3D enviroment, by moving real objects with your own hands.

[ Castellano ]
Interfase interactiva desarrollada por la compania Austriaca Kommerz que permite controlar objetos virtuales en un ambiente tridimensional, moviendo objetos reales con tus manos.


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Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Yoshinori Sunahara | The Center of Gravity

[ English ]
Tokyo club-pop programmer and DJ Yoshinori Sunahara performs live at Electraglide 2002. Great combination of tunes and visual work.

[ Castellano ]
Extracto de una presentacion en vivo del musico electronico y DJ, Yoshinori Sunahara en Electraglide 2002. Muy buena combinacion de musica y trabajo visual.


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Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Vuvlegum VJs

[ English ]
Vuvlegum is a VJ collective from Argentina, one of the many things that I like from their work is the consistency Vuvlegum develops through the inclusion of a cartoon character (white rabbit) in a lot of their movie clips, I think this allows crowds to connect with the visuals in the same way they can connect with the music when they recognize a tune. I also liked their remix of a great video game I used to play back in the day, Maniac Mansion.

[ Castellano ]
Vuvlegum es un collectivo de VJs de Argentina con un muy buen trabajo grafico, algo que rescato de su portfolio es la consistencia visual que ellos logran gracias a la inclusion de un conejito animado en muchos de sus loops; A mi parecer, esto ayuda a que el publico pueda identificarse con las visuales mas facilmente, estableciendo una conneccion grafica, de la misma manera que existe una auditiva cuando durante un evento musical, la banda o DJ toca un tema que es reconocible para la audiencia.
Ademas, creo que este remix que hicieron del video juego Maniac Mansion podria traerte un poco de nostalgia.


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Monday, March 13, 2006

Scrambled Hackz

[ English ]
What if you could manipulate audio and video just by using your own voice?. Scrambled Hackz is a Realtime-Mind-Music-Video-Re-De-Construction-Machine. It is a conceptual software which makes it possible to work with samples in a completely new way by making them available in a manner that does justice to their nature as concrete musical memories.
More info at the Scrambled Hackz website.

[ Castellano ]
Que pasaria si se puediera controlar audio y video utilizando solo tu voz?. Scrambled Hackz es una aplicacion que hace esto posible a travez de previa grabacion de samples audio visuales que seran separados por el software en forma similar al proceso que utilizan los samplers de frase tradicionales, pero optimizado para su uso en tiempo real.


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Make Your Own Backdrop for less than $20

[ English ]
For amateur or hobbyist photographers and video producers, coming up with the money for a nice, $200 (and up!) backdrop and the expensive stands and hangers required to help support it isn't very easy. Rather, they need a way to make a nice-looking background that is both good looking and easy to transport.

Check the instructions HERE

[ Castellano ]
Disenado para el fotografo / videografo que debe trabajar con bajo presupuesto, este website nos explica como construir una pantalla con stands para sostenerla por muy poco dinero, utilizando tela y tubos de PVC, esto puede servirle al VJ para crear pantallas verdes/ azules para hacer cromas o incluso para proyectar. El site esta en ingles, pero aqui dejo un LINK en castellano por medio del traductor de Altavista.

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Saturday, March 11, 2006

U2 Vertigo Tour in Buenos Aires

[ English ]
Here is a fragment of the U2 Vertigo Tour in Buenos Aires, Argentina in March 2006, I believe the visuals where done by UK's United Visual Artists (check their site for a jaw dropping portfolio.) but don't quote me on that.

[ Castellano ]
Aqui un fragmento del U2 Vertigo Tour en Buenos Aires, Argentina en Marzo del 2006. Creo que los visuales fueron disenados por los Ingleses United Visual Artists, que de por cierto en su site, tienen una increible lista de proyectos.

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Friday, March 10, 2006

Digismart - Miniature Projection Technology

Digismart is a patented technology that will soon allow mobile handsets and other devices to have projection capabilities.
The Digismart technology design, centres on the use of a miniature wide-angle lens system. The design protection covers the unique lens arrangements and use of solid state or filament lamps (the former largely eliminate heat end energy consumption issues) for fixed, hand-held and mobile apparatus applications.
In the context of practical applications, images from the mobile phone screen can be projected onto a wall or other flat surface.
Found via: VJ Yroyto's Blog.

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Concord Dawn - Man For All Seasons

New track from new Zealand-based drum n bass production duo Concord Dawn, video By Ed Davis.


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Mouse on Mars @ Sinus Series

Here is a fragment of a live act by Mouse on Mars at Sinus Series on August 2005. I know it's not much but I liked the music and the little bit I can see from the visuals.

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Jamie Lidell live at the Royal Festival Hall

Jamie Lidell, British producer with releases on Mosquito, Warp among other labels. I was never really into his music, but after this video I think he rocks!


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Thursday, March 09, 2006

Broken Beat At Kadan

Here are a few images of last Saturday's gig at Kadan, hosted by Broken-Beat. The venue is pretty small but it's really original, and although we are still trying to find the best set up for the performers, this last show looked great and the music just keeps getting better and better.

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Monday, March 06, 2006

Skaterpede by: Unknown

So I found this clip online I do not know who made this but I thought it was really good, I guess inspired on those photo sequences spreads in skate magazines, but taken to video. "A meditation on the shapes and movements of skateboarding".
Music by Coldcut.

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Saturday, March 04, 2006

Uruk Videomachine

France based VJs, Antoine Legras and Stan Cixous are
Uruk Videomachine, a collective focused on monumental video projections. Antoine was kind enough to let me publish this footage from a recent gig they had during Christmas 2005 in Dijon, France.

The Video show was 15 minute long, and was performed two times a day for a period of 10 days, for more than 10.000 people. Antoine said that the message of the show was "the power of imagination" and that putting this together, took a lot of work, for the projection they used 4 video projectors (10.000 lumens each) and 4 computers using a custom made software to synch them all up. The way they incorporated the architecture details with the animation is what makes this project so beautiful and inspiring. Great work!
Make sure to check their site for more projects like this.

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Friday, March 03, 2006

Live Drawing At BankArt Studio

[ This Movie was deleted on request of the project's Director ]

[ Disclaimer: ]
This blog is a space to share content that either I find online or it's sent to me by other Vjs, I do not rip DVDs and post them in here. My only intention is to share interesting audio/visual work from talented people, and unless I do not know it, I always credit the sources. If anyone is offended by any content on this blog, please feel free to let me know, I'm a nice guy and I will make sure to fix the problem. :)
-Thank you for reading and I apologize for any inconvenience.

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Thursday, March 02, 2006

EYES By: Koichiro Tsujikawa

Koichiro Tsujikawa is highly regarded and inventive director, a self-taught filmmaker whose reputation as an artist and designer is what initially led him to film. Most recently, Tsujikawa won best music video of 2003 at RESFESTs Audience Music Choice Awards for "Drop (Do it Again)", also feautring music by Cornelius.

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The DreamLite floorlamp from Vivid Effect is an elegant column of polychromatic, atmospheric, kinesthetic light. It combines ambience, aesthetics, technology and functionality to create a tactile light sculpture unlike anything available today. The lamp is controlled by a rotating head which can be pressed to select a specific light scene (combination of colors) and can be rotated to alter the speed of the scene, changing the 'frames per second' rate. Vivid is also working on a large column version that has more addressable LED's, allowing for the projection of video on Dreamlite's skin, or live feed from a camera.

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Sky Mesh
The Sky Mesh is suspended between the tops of the twin towers at the City National Plaza Towers in Los Angeles. It features a grid of LED lights space 1.5 meters apart on a steel cable grid. At night the LED lights create patterns that will appear as apparitions in the sky. Unfortunately the client abandoned the project.

Interactive Walkways
This project features two glass pedestrian bridges designed as "Interactive Walkways," each with a field of LED lights embedded in resilient walking surfaces. Sensors detect the presence of people and the system triggers interactive light patterns on the walkway floor. Constructing virtual links between individuals that don't necessary have to know each other.

Check for more projects like these at Electroland's website.


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